Sunday, July 23, 2017

Tuesday July 24th and Thursday July 26th, 2017

  1. brilliant
  2. artifact
  3. distinguishable
  4. tolerable
  5. divisible
  6. factorization
  7. comprehensible
  8. quadruple 
  9. unicycle
  10. quizzify 
Spelling Challenge
"Scrabble Count"

Students given a worksheet as well as point list for each letter. Students had to add each of the letters in each vocabulary word using the point legend on their worksheet. 

"BYOB - Bring Your Own Book"

In our class reading time, students bring their own books to dive into! Students discuss their reading and are given a comprehension worksheet to complete over their reading. 

For students who did not bring a book to class, they chose from the class library, or the Central Texas Library Selection

  • ""

Five Minute Writing Challenge 

"Villain's Lair"

Students took 5 minutes in class to write as much as they could on the prompt using their creative minds! 


  • ""

    Any unfinished class work.

    Tuesday, July 18, 2017

    Tuesday July 18th, 2017 and Thursday July 20th, 2017

    1. apology
    2. voyage
    3. explanation
    4. antisocial
    5. judge
    6. piano
    7. misconception
    8. expect
    9. accept
    10. throughout
    Spelling Challenge

    "BYOB - Bring Your Own Book"

    In our class reading time, students bring their own books to dive into! Students discuss their reading and are given a comprehension worksheet to complete over their reading. 

    For students who did not bring a book to class, they chose from the class library, or the Central Texas Library Selection

    • "Character Map"

    Five Minute Writing Challenge 

    "Emoji Spells"

    Students took 5 minutes in class to write as much as they could on the prompt using their creative minds! 


    • "Main Ideas"

      Any unfinished class work.

      Sunday, July 9, 2017

      Tuesday July 11th and Thursday July 13th, 2017

      1. twelve 
      2. however
      3. vegetable
      4. sprinkle
      5. puzzle
      6. voice
      7. reptile
      8. mountain
      9. evil
      10. destroyed
      Spelling Challenge 



      Class Reading

      In our first day of class, students were presented with a number of books and selected the book the liked best! Class read a portion of the selected work aloud in class. 

      • "Reading Prompts"

      Five Minute Creative Writing Challenge: 

      "Alien Abduction!"

      Students took 5 minutes in class to creatively write. They used a holiday themed worksheet to enhance their creative writing skills. Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization skills are not the focus of this challenge! Students have five minutes to dig deep into their creative minds and write about what they see! 

      • "Writing Prompts"
      • Any unfinished class work