Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesday September 26th, 2017

  1. choose
  2. information
  3. express
  4. criticize 
  5. local
  6. national
  7. influential
  8. registration
  9. voter
  10. proposition 
                                Spelling Challenge 

                                "Word Search"


                                Class Reading

                                "BYOB - Bring Your Own Book" 
                                Students were presented with a number of books and selected the book the liked best! Class read a portion of the selected work aloud in class. 

                                • "Questions, Explanations, and Observations"

                                Five Minute Creative Writing Challenge: "Voter Registration Writing Prompt

                                Students took 5 minutes in class to creatively write. They used a holiday themed worksheet to enhance their creative writing skills. Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization skills are not the focus of this challenge! Students have five minutes to dig deep into their creative minds and write about what they see! 

                                • "Writing Prompts" 
                                • Any unfinished class work

                                Tuesday, September 19, 2017

                                Tuesday September 19th, 2017


                                1. decadent
                                2. absent
                                3. ashamed
                                4. consent
                                5. quadruple
                                6. unique
                                7. surplus
                                8. economy
                                9. social
                                10. deception
                                                              Spelling Challenge 

                                                              - No spelling challenge as students did not complete their homework assignments. Students used the time to work on the homework assignment in class. The two students who did their homework assignments had reading time and were not assigned homework for the week. 


                                                              Class Reading

                                                              - No reading time as students did not complete their homework assignments. Students used the time to work on the homework assignment in class. The two students who did their homework assignments had reading time and were not assigned homework for the week. 


                                                              Five Minute Creative Writing Challenge: "When Animals Talk

                                                              Students took 5 minutes in class to creatively write. They used a holiday themed worksheet to enhance their creative writing skills. Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization skills are not the focus of this challenge! Students have five minutes to dig deep into their creative minds and write about what they see! 

                                                              • Assigned as homework
                                                              • Writing worksheet assigned for homework. 

                                                              Tuesday, September 12, 2017

                                                              Tuesday September 12th, 2017


                                                              1. adaptable
                                                              2. membrane
                                                              3. inverse
                                                              4. passive
                                                              5. regroup
                                                              6. jewelry
                                                              7. technique
                                                              8. launch
                                                              9. debate
                                                              10. transportation
                                                                                            Spelling Challenge 



                                                                                            Class Reading

                                                                                            "BYOB - Bring Your Own Book" 
                                                                                            Students were presented with a number of books and selected the book the liked best! Class read a portion of the selected work aloud in class. 

                                                                                            • "

                                                                                            Five Minute Creative Writing Challenge: "Indestructible

                                                                                            Students took 5 minutes in class to creatively write. They used a holiday themed worksheet to enhance their creative writing skills. Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization skills are not the focus of this challenge! Students have five minutes to dig deep into their creative minds and write about what they see! 

                                                                                            • "
                                                                                            • Any unfinished class work

                                                                                            Tuesday, September 5, 2017

                                                                                            Tuesday September 5th Thursday September 7th, 2017


                                                                                            1. possibility
                                                                                            2. grasp
                                                                                            3. comic
                                                                                            4. quiet
                                                                                            5. defendant
                                                                                            6. immigrant
                                                                                            7. register
                                                                                            8. continent
                                                                                            9. desirable
                                                                                            10. breakable
                                                                                                                          Spelling Challenge 



                                                                                                                          Class Reading

                                                                                                                          "BYOB - Bring Your Own Book" 
                                                                                                                          Students were presented with a number of books and selected the book the liked best! Class read a portion of the selected work aloud in class. 

                                                                                                                          • "

                                                                                                                          Five Minute Creative Writing Challenge: "Modern Pangea

                                                                                                                          Students took 5 minutes in class to creatively write. They used a holiday themed worksheet to enhance their creative writing skills. Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization skills are not the focus of this challenge! Students have five minutes to dig deep into their creative minds and write about what they see! 

                                                                                                                          • "
                                                                                                                          • Any unfinished class work